Indo-Pacific Landclass
Purchasing of this scenery can be performed through either the downloadable Flight1 executable wrapper, or through a shopping account at FS Pilot Shop, FlightSim Store, PC Aviator, SimulShop, or simMarket.
Price: $14.95 USD
File size: 17.8 MB
Version: 1.0
- Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista
- Flight Simulator X
Indo-Pacific Landclass--Flight1 wrapper download
Indo-Pacific Landclass--Flight1 wrapper download (Mirror)
Indo-Pacific Landclass--FS Pilot Shop product page
Indo-Pacific Landclass--FlightSim Store product page
Indo-Pacific Landclass--PC Aviator product page
Indo-Pacific Landclass--SimulShop product page
Indo-Pacific Landclass--simMarket product page
Alternative manual installation download (Only recommended for those experiencing issues with the automated installer. Available to non-Flight1 customers upon request.):
Indo-Pacific Landclass manual installation--Flight1 wrapper download
Indo-Pacific Landclass manual installation--Flight1 wrapper download (Mirror)
When updating the product, you can download the appropriate installer upgrade kit from the link(s) below which allows you to transform your existing installer into a newer version. The included readme.txt explains in detail how to perform the installer upgrade.
Alternatively, you can re-download the product from the place where you initially purchased it:
- If you are retrieving a newer version of the product via the Flight1 wrapper, click the "Click Here to Reinstall" button in the wrapper and use the key that was issued to you during your initial purchase.
- If you purchased this product via the FlightSim Flight Shop, the FlightSim Store, or SimulShop you can log into your shopping account on their site and retrieve the update.
- If you purchased this product via PC Aviator, or simMarket, you must generate your update using the installer upgrade kits below.
**Installer upgrade kits are currently unavailable for this product.**
- This is the first version of Indo-Pacific Landclass.
Comparison Gallery
Click on a thumbnail below to see a comparison between the default landclass and the SceneryTech landclass. Move your mouse over the enlarged image to see the ST screenshot, and move your mouse off to see the default screenshot. Click on the enlarged image to open the two full-sized comparison screenshots in separate windows.

*Note: To assist with the comparison of geographical landmarks, 3rd party mesh data may have been employed in some screenshots.